1 Kings 13
Delivering hard truth to power is a terrifying job. But most often, the messengers of God are called to undertake nothing short. The burning fire of the words may consume the carrier if not handled carefully.
Here in the passage the God's man is not having any marks of identity other than that of his being the messenger.
He uttered the message fearless of the King whose outstretched hands he was so sure not reach him as long as he is duty bound, serving a greater authority. But on the other hand a slip of tongue, a shivering, or even a lowered look can turn him instantly into ashes. May be in realization of this that St.Paul decides that he shall be fearless of men in obedience to God.
It is by standing obedient before such a God that we turn the mud we are formed of into valor. The valor from which springs freedom. If you want to measure your obedience to God, go to a nasty power and try looking straight into the eyes.
The messenger who shall not care for the callousness of the kings is expected to be equally unmindful of their friendly gestures too. The messenger is sent not to convert the King but to transmit the bitter message to him. The destiny of the King is not tied to his own deeds. It is unto God. God's man did not fail to grasp this. He set out for his return journey traversing a different route, not having rest, not having food in the territories darkened under divine wrath.
On his way back it happened that he had to encounter disguised falsehood. It is a menacing crossroad where darkness pervades the abysmal and the safe road; if wrong, even a footstep can be deadly. This is indeed the messenger's ultimate puzzle. The puzzle of life and death to be solved under the callous gaze of a God who seems at the moment eager only to kill. Anybody will long in vain for clues or a chance to try a possibility, safety guaranteed. Such provisions would have made this terrifying profession more tollerable.
The old prophet with or without mal intention had made a false pronouncement. But this act of evident wrongdoing has not become fatal for him. The God's man of failed diligence turned out to be the victim. The illustrated symbolism of his dead body lying on the bare ground guarded by the Lion and Donkey standing face to face is like a frozen image. Frozen from the routine of the pray's predator. This indeed is the image of the ominous destiny tied on to the messenger as he traverse his journey of life. He is destined to become the Message alive or as a carcass on the wayside, torn and slained by a roaring God. Can deep understanding of this reality be the source of his great gallantry
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
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